For those of you that are frequents, we decided to update our blog title and user name....I think the new title sounds haute. Wachu all think? Take the poll...
As for urser names, don't get confused... lol Labelle=Prettie-Tee=Labelle.
Okay....So a bunch of stuff happened over the past couple weekends and I should have updated but we were bitten by the busy bee.
We attended an 'African Day of Prayer' Event at a friends church where we exhibited some of our designs.
This is totally irrelevant, but I just had to put this pic up. Sooooo cute!
And oh! Lawd! There's so much to tell! Jotees also participated in the 'Eat So They Can' charity event on the island in Lagos over the past weekend. Look on Facebook for more details, but you can see some pictures here too.
Toyosi changed the face of the event when she dressed up the models with her designs. She had mad fun doing it. It was a small event, but like she put it: "She felt fulfilled being able to partake in an event designed to reach out to the needy"
She was interviewed by City People, so y'all watch out for the editon!
Came across a few blogs today - Vacancy Nigeria. The idea totally thrilled me! I sorta know this guy through a friend and after explaining the concept behind this blog, I was overly excited by the marvelous idea!