
Well...Hope this keeps you Encouraged....

What exactly is it that holds peeps captive and blinds them to the fact that things aren’t the same way forever? Why do some people feel stuck and always negative about issues? In my life time, I have come across individuals who have taught less of themselves and feel like they can’t make head-way. Words such as ‘I am messed up’, ‘I can’t help it’ and ‘I am never going to change’ are not too far from their lips. But the mind buggling thing is, I don’t think people actually think before uttering such words including me and you!

I think I can boldly say we all understand evil from wrong just as much as we are able to tell the difference between black and white; needless to say some folks still lack the ability. But you would also agree that it is fair to say we can very easily deviate from the plan and loose focus once a bit. Our minds does the working.

My sisters friend whom I love to call D-boogie would start her response with; 'You can’t understand…..” anytime they tried to offer advices or suggestions to her regarding her "relationship." On one of their numerous discussions, D-boogie mentioned that she didn’t believe she could be nor have anything better than where she was currently. She felt that destiny had made her what she was and it couldn’t be changed; therefore trying to do anything to change the situation will prove effortless. So she resorted to being under the control of a man who hardly ever thought about her. She persistently talks about her marriage to this man who is busy brainstorming on adding more kids to his already established day-care. Believe it; it’s neither about his money nor his looks. You can call it what you want but I plead with you not to call it love.

Same goes for my women clique who thinks that because she can’t find anything better in the love arena, they’d rather stick to an ex whom they know - - he’s not it. One person actually said; ‘When you are un-lucky with finding better love, you go back to the one you’ve always known...’ That one you’ve always known better be the one you’re crazy in love with and not because you feel like you’re fast aging and time isn’t on your side! I need not stress the meaning of marriage here and how vital it is that one is happy.

To deviate a little, the other day I was unlucky to be in the midst of folks who I would say were at the edge of experiencing mid-life crisis judging by the words coming out of their mouth. The discussion ranged from general work life to children, religion and politics. Good mixture huh? Everyone wanted to air their opinion. I remember my 2 yr old cousin crying because she could not contain the rush of emotions. If you ever sat in the midst of Nigerians discussing, you would understand why the little child thought there was commotion in the air and became confused by the free flow of words and expressions. I had to calm the poor one and explained to her in baby words that our folks here were only having a chat. I was particularly interested in one statement I had over-heard. He said “When you talk about nations, don’t talk about this one because it is an absolute mess, it can never turn out good and I will never have a reason to go back there….” I was not surprised to hear the statement, but I was puzzled at the thought that made him so bent on his idea that Nigeria is not a ‘nation?’

But then again, I ask myself what makes him different from my D-boogie? It’s a thing of the mind. I believe we are the ones responsible for structuring our minds to make it believe what it wants to believe. Am not sure where my faith comes from, but these days I have found myself believing for the best and having confidence in tomorrow. The mind is actually the pillar of our being. Every action item emanates from the mind, and I can’t begin to emphasize on the importance of the mind remaining positive.

Who was it again that said; ‘A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.’?


jazziphile said... many points you made, prettie..where does one begin.
let me start by saying's been a good while, and I am glad to see you're still blogging. Didn't know whether to respond there or here, but i had created this account sometime ago..about time I started using it right?
Anyway, yeah, you made a good point, for the most part, in life, our chief constraint, the main factors keeping us from reaching whatever goal is ahead of us, is often our own will. With this said, sometimes, it's simply a case of bad luck in that, it doesn't matter whet is done, the situation is bound to end badly. In both situations you bring up, it doesn't sound like there's no hope. In fact, it's the complete opposite. "the devil you know is far safe than the angel you don't" this sounds like what sistah D-boogie is up to. It's sad, but until she begins to buy into the idea that she deserves to be treated with more respect and love, she's always gonna stay in that situation or similarly sad situations. Anyway, i'm gonna cut this short, but sha..I agree with you. Where there's the will to make a change, there's bound to be a least eventually.
Good to have you back, mah!