

Its interesting how peeps form thier opinions about you even without having the slightest idea who you are. Doesn't that rule apply anymore - 'Do not judge a book by its cover?'

Yesterday, I got two seperate views about me, of which one of them was....dare I - say shocking?! I had never had opened my mouth to speak a common word such as 'Hi' to this dude before talk less of having a convo with him. I saw him as another acquaintance but I had no idea this dude thot me a snub/spoilt brat! He told me all that later at dinner! See below for sneak peek on our very first convo:

Dude1: I saw your website, it was nice
Me: thanks!
Me: its still in progress tho
Dude1: four sisters in millions
Me: with God..we'd get there
Dude1: at least you have started. God that gave you ladies the knowledge, will surely crown it with blessing
Me: AMEN!!

Other Convo ensued.....
Me:u know my age?
Dude1: yes, i know your age
Dude1: u surprised?
Me: lol..not sure if am surprised..
Me: do u know?
Dude1: you gave it to us and we have it on file in the church
Me: oh..figured that was how..
Dude1: by the way, if i may ask, why are u not surprised
Me: cos i already kinda figured that's how u knew..
Dude1:It's not in my practice research in knowing people's information no matter how it was given
Me: lol..yah rite
Dude1: but i guess the financial analyst description on the form gave me more opportunity to look through
Dude1: even my pastor came to my office and saw it on my desk
Dude1: then later asked me about you
Me: He did?
Dude1: I don't know you but I see you around
Dude1: yes he did
Dude1: you know what i mean
Me: yeah..
Dude1: ok, I really need you to assist me in making some decisions in the church which will serve personal. What do you think?
Me: wot do u mean serve personal?
Dude1: like an adviser
Me: okay..
Dude1: i will present some things to you and u advise on it
Me: hmmmk
Dude1: then I also want you to assist in drawing up next yr's budget
Me: i believe i can assist with the financial advising..I can speak to where to allocate funds to better margin e.t.c..
Me: we can tok 'bout it at dinner...
Dude1: you know what I just observed abt u
Me: lol..wot?
Dude1: I think i had a very wrong impression abt u to be sincere
Me: wot was ur impression?
Dude1: well, the impression of been a big time lady, 'look-down on peeps' type person
Dude1: do u understand ?
Me: LOL!!!
Dude1: so far so good, I never knew you could be this cool
Dude1: to be honset
Dude1: I tell people my first impression abt them
Me: lol..
Me: its okay..pple are entitled to thier own opinions..
Me: that's why they say u shldn't judge a book by its cover
Dude1: u really cut off at least 75% of my opinions
Me: at least?!
Me: just 75?! dang!

And here goes 2nd dudes opinion....needless to say this convo was heavily loaded, I had to edit of course....but will give the down-low in tmrw's posting.

Dude2: hi namesake
Me: hello!
Dude2: trust everything is fine
Me: we thank God
Me: thanks for ur call the other check on us...after the bridge incident..
Me: got ur msg..
Me: thanks a lot!
Dude2: saw ur website yesterday.....waoh! that a great idea
Dude2: u girls are really going places
Me: *smiles*
Me: its God taking us places...
Dude2: yes my such a fantastic idea
Me: can't do none but thank God
Dude2: Tyra Banks....Channel...Gucci and the rest ain't got nothin on u!
Me: u know!
Me: lol!
Other conv ensued - a whole different topic! maybe will post that tmrw.
Dude2: I wonder what dating u will be like?
Me: lol..
Me: y do u say that?
Dude2: u hv a strong xter
Me: wow!
Me: lol..
Me: is that good or bad?
Dude2: both
Me: HA!
Dude2: it depends on how u use it
Me: hmmm...
Dude2: a man wants to feel he is in control and the best way to rule a man is to make him feel he is control....king of the castle
(errr..and u best believe i have my opinions on this comment...not dat i don't agree, but topic for tommorow)
Me: so i don't seem to allow that?
Dude2: u do in ur own way
Me: u've studied me that much?
Dude2: i'm very observant and sensitive


AIVY said...

once you dont talk and laugh with strangers, u're a snob. How come? beats me

Admin UD said...

You know, it has to do with teh way you carry yourself and your aura, nuances, poise, etc. Some people can misunderstand.

But then again, look inside well enough, you may find a bit of socializing needs polishing, or what do you think? :)

Anonymous said...

@aivy: HA! It beats me too..
@Ugo Daniels: jokes man..yeah maybe sha...maybe i do need to refine the social fabric in me..