

Two greatest peeves I have are Pride and Cheating. Both traits are totally unacceptable and overbearing for me. I wouldn’t be able to sit in the same place with a prideful person, or an individual who sees me as a means to fulfill his greedy desire. Now, cheating falls in different categories. I am not talking about the boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife type of cheating. Needless to say - I have my opinions 'bout that too.

But am talking about the kind of cheating where one fool, who considers himself intelligent, takes you for a ride, regards you as ignorant and in the process pushes his remote in an effort to control you. Or a situation where one bastard thinks he is doing himself a great favor by having you attend to him hand, foot and toe, take care of his needs and pamper him like you are his maid, while he’s sitting there like a couch potato and not doing a single thing in return. Woosah…okay enough of the outburst…but won’t and can’t stand a person with traits such as these.

But how do you drive the point home to someone who believes that he ought to talk about himself or his achievements at every ficking opportunity he has? Do you say, will you please shut the hell up and quit talking?! Or do you say, can we talk about ME now? How do you go about telling them that you are really not interested in what they have to say about themselves because you have heard it gazillion times….so much that you are beginning to roll your eyes right in their face when they begin to talk?

So here goes convo I had with dear friend the other day. Sigh! Yours truly always end up facing issues she hates the most...

Dude: SO is there anythg you thought about after yesterday's meeting?
Dude: any words of advice
Me: for u personally or for the church?
Dude: both?
Me: hmmm...
Me: for church...there's got to be some amount of discipline instilled in every church worker...

Other convo ensued…
Dude: I understand you perfectly
Dude: that is for the church
Dude: now to the personal aspect of it
Me: lol
Me: you are great are determined and have a passion for God...
Me: you also have a strong character which translates to d fact that you are very disciplined, have your head on straight and understand perfectly the decisions you make.
Me: like me, you are not perfect…
Me: a strong xter could also translate to self-centeredness and pride.
Me: tooting your horn is great and it’s recommended in some circumstances, but when it’s not needed, it can become unbearable…
Me: overall, you are a great company!
Dude: thx

So you would think that drove home the point for my dear friend, but am disappointed to tell you that at dinner last night, all I heard was another round of horn-tooting!!

So dear all, I would really love to hear your opinions on how to drive home the point to someone who thinks its absolutely great to talk about himself all the time...cos apparently I didn't do a good job.


Admin UD said...

Oh they're definitely smitten. It can get tricky, if not handled smoothly. Just say your mind, plain and str8 up.

Atutupoyoyo said...

Pride is a funny thing. I think everyone needs at least a basic level of pride in their lives. If many of the female university students in Naija had pride they would not be sleeping with men three times their age. If the old men with wives and children had pride they would not be taking advantage of these younger girls.

Pride becomes a problem when people adopt a mentality of looking down on others. This is where pride stops and arrogance begins. Money has turned an old friend of mine so arrogant that he does not even look into people's faces when he talks to them.

I too cannot stand people who monopolise conversations. No matter how much you try and steer the convo away, they always find a way to navigate back to their own desired destination. The solution? Brutal honesty. It may cost you the relationship but will save you your sanity.

Afolabi said...

okay, I'm going to be honest here, I think I was one of dem proud people, always ready to blow my horn. But, through brutal honesty from my friends, I changed my ways. So, I think that telling the person str8 up helps.